Let’s Chat!
Now more than ever, we must come together as a community to Support FHPS and Public Education. Let’s start by chatting and getting to know one another! How are you feeling about FHPS and your child’s school? Do you have questions, concerns, ideas? Or are you just looking for some answers on FHPS and the current public education landscape? Send us your thoughts and questions, then join us for for an informal conversation on Zoom.
Sunday, March 16 at 7pm
Tuesday, March 18 at noon
Support FHPS Action is a 100% FHPS parent volunteer group that supports Forest Hills Public Schools and ALL public education, advancing our public schools through service and advocacy. FHPS is located just outside beautiful Grand Rapids, Michigan.
We believe all kids deserve access to safe, quality, and well-funded public schools.
Support FHPS Action envisions a Michigan where every student has access to a quality education. We are a proud member of Michigan Education Justice Coalition and are working in partnership with communities across the state to hold our leaders accountable to create healthy and healing schools.
Michigan Education Justice Coalition’s Healthy & Healing Schools policy platform, informed by community listening sessions held across the state, reflects the path forward for creating an education system that supports our children, families, and communities.
Current Advocacy
Our pride in FHPS does not mean we are complacent. We advocate for change that encourages excellence – not agendas. Join us!
Support FHPS Action LOVES books and libraries! We believe the books in our schools should be chosen by education/library professionals based on objective criteria, including educational, literary, and artistic values. If books are kept from students because of the personal beliefs of any person or group rather than because of objective, educational reasoning, that’s censorship! > Learn More
Equity and inclusion for ALL students is a top concern from which nearly all other school district issues flow. In our mission of Support, Safety, and Success, we value diversity, equity, and inclusion in the broadest terms; including gender identity, disability, socioeconomic background, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, and other personal realities with which an individual may identify. Support FHPS Action is committed to anti-discrimination and making Forest Hills a safe and welcoming place for all. > Learn More
Support FHPS Action believes every student has the right to a safe and supportive K-12 school environment that is LGBTQ+ inclusive. Schools should work to create a welcoming and non-judgmental space for LGBTQ+ students, which in turn creates a safe, affirming school for all students where they are free to thrive socially and academically. > Learn More
Our children are growing up in the midst of America’s gun violence crisis. They’ve been called the “school shooting generation.” Support FHPS Action finds this completely unacceptable, yet fixable, through bold policy and immediate action. We believe all students have the right to go to a school free from gun violence. > Learn More
“Sex Ed” is always a subject that creates strong emotions in parents. Given that we are a diverse, public school, we ask that FHPS leave the emotions out and implement Comprehensive Sex Education. > Learn More
Support FHPS Political Action Committee is a 100% FHPS parent volunteer group that supports Forest Hills Public Schools and ALL public education, advancing Public Schools through elections and policy.
Their mission is to support and protect our public schools from partisan and manufactured attacks, so that our educators and elected school board members can focus on their vital roles of providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for students. > Learn More
The parents behind “Support FHPS Action” have children who attend Forest Hills Public Schools, from Pre-K up to 12th grade, and/or have graduated from FHPS.
We are all proud to have chosen Forest Hills Public Schools for our families. Some of us relocated here specifically for this incredible school district, while others graduated from Forest Hills and wanted their kiddos to experience the same amazing opportunities as they did. We actively volunteer with our schools, attend Board meetings and review ongoing communication from FHPS.
Our 100% local volunteer group raised a hand to step up and advocate for our schools because we can recognize the difference Forest Hills Public Schools are making in our children's lives.
Simply put – our intentions are to promote and support the students of Forest Hills Public Schools and Public Education.
Who We Are
Support: We want every individual within Forest Hills Public Schools to feel supported and accepted so they can be their best, not only at school, but also in the wider world.
Safety: We believe in ensuring the safety of our students while they are out of our hands at school and that of the staff working with our children. This includes confronting the tough issues while being warm, sincere, empathetic, and genuine.
Success: We want to do our part to help our kids succeed – on whatever path they choose. Our students should be valued for their unique talents and gifts, so they can achieve their highest potential.
We span a variety of views and backgrounds but collaborate to Support Forest Hills Public Schools. We are working to preserve public and district resources, and help keep our Board, educators and students focused on their highest and best responsibilities.
We do not have to agree with every decision made to support our district. Working against the district instead of following steps and policies to drive change only delay progress and distract.
We believe in civil, thoughtful discourse and will not participate in any personal attacks on individuals. Furthermore, we do not believe that the right to make your voice heard should in any way intrude on the privacy or rights of others. It is critical that we as a community act in a manner that is consistent with our goal of providing a safe, supportive and success-driven educational environment for our children that is inclusive and respectful.
The Executive Committee
Support FHPS Action -
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