Get Involved

Join us! Whether you donate your time, talent, or money, we can all do our part to Support FHPS Community Action, its students, and staff. Attend school board meetings and consider giving public comment. We’re here to help, just ask!

Stay in the Loop!

  • Consider sharing messages of support for FHPS on your social media profiles and in your yard.

    Attend upcoming Forest Hills Public School Board meetings to express support. Meeting Dates

  • Offer the services of your local business (printing, postage, etc) at a discounted rate or at cost to help us spread the word throughout the district.

  • Our elected Forest Hills Public School Board members are serving in volunteer roles and have faced ongoing threats for performing this civic duty. Please report any threats to the Kent County Sheriff.

  • Consider sending a supportive note of acknowledgement or thanks to our amazing Forest Hills Public School educators! Their dedication to our children and district is being challenged.

  • We’d love to answer any questions you may have. Email us at: