Advocacy: Equity and Inclusion

Equity and inclusion for ALL students is a top concern from which nearly all other school district issues flow. In our mission of Support, Safety, and Success, we value diversity, equity, and inclusion in the broadest terms; including gender identity, disability, socioeconomic background, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, and other personal realities with which an individual may identify. Support FHPS Action is committed to anti-discrimination and making Forest Hills a safe and welcoming place for all. 

Mission of GLI: ALL learners achieving individual potential, building meaningful and productive lives in a global society.

After reviewing the yearly Climate and Culture Survey conducted by the district in 2008-09, it was clear FHPS needed a multi-prong approach to address its lack of cultural competency and culturally responsive learning environments for both students and staff. The result was the creation of the Global Learners Initiative specifically for Forest Hills. This robust program has 6 facets which encompass student and staff training, community/caregiver training, advocacy groups, and a resource library. GLI has become a much loved program at FHPS over the last 15+ years and we commend the district for creating such a comprehensive program. 

Unfortunately, in this highly-charged climate of Public Education attacks, our amazing program is being scaled back. We demand FHPS restores and elevates GLI with full integration and district support. 

In practice, this would include:

  1. Majority of FHPS staff fully trained in Restorative Practices 

  2. Paid GLI coordinators in every building (Already a requirement in the Teachers’ Contract)

  3. Restore and expand the Student Workshops

  4. GLI classes restored at Central Middle School and Eastern Middle School

  5. Create OPT-OUT workshop opportunities for students, rather than only opt-in

Forest Hills Public Schools Global Learners Initiative (GLI):